Our excursion today was to Udawalawa National Park, an 1 1/2 hour bus ride from the ship to the entrance. Along the way we saw a farmer plowng his rice fields while the birds followed close behind to find the worms that were just exposed.

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We passed some beautiful scenery and saw water buffloes walking along side the road and grazing in the fields.

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We passed several small towns with tuk tuks parked in the driveways.

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When we arrived at Udawalawa National Park, we boarded our safari jeep  to see elephants, monkeys and birds.

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Our next stop was the elephant sanctuary where we watched them call the baby elephants who came running to get their milk.

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A house being built that we spotted on our way back to the ship.  Check out the sticks that are being used for studs in the house on the left.