Today’s destination was Riding Mountain National Park in western Manitoba. The wildlife of Riding Mountain National Park is supposed to be unparalleled according to the brochures. Parks Canada estimates there are 800-1,000 black bears, 3,000 moose and 40 plains bison in the park. IMG 7317

The first and only moose we saw in the park


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We walked on this floating boardwalk around the lake and were surprised to see a family of swans.

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After dinner we drove to another lake to try to see some other wildlife.  Tom spotted a bear right outside of our campground area and then we spotted another a few mile up the road.

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Notice that this bear gave himself a little blonde streak on his nose1

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It’s not unusual to see a deer, but this one was just eating grass on the side of the road rather than trying to dart across the road.

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The Canadian National Parks places a set of these red Adirondack chairs in several locations in each of their parks to encouraging taking and sharing your picture at that location. We sat in these as we enjoyed the beautiful sunset over Lake Clear.

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Our ride today across Manitoba was 150 miles.



  • Miles driven in RV from last stop: 151
  • Miles driven car today: 42
  • Total miles driven in car and RV: 2,716
  • Wasagaming Campground in Riding Mountain NP  31.23
  • Groceries and food:  $423.43  for an average of $24.97 per day
  • Last gas was $3.956 a gallon and we filled up the car and RV for 187.94, and average of $62.63 per day