IMG 7777

Today we entered British Columbia after driving through Ontario, Winnipeg, Saskatchewan, Manitoba

Recycling and deposits in Canada

Recycling is strongly encouraged in  Canada.  They must pay a 10¢ deposit on every can, water bottle, milk carton, juice box, etc. that is purchased.  There are NO plastic bags at the checkouts in the stores. Either you bring your own or pay 25¢ for a paper bag.

Alaska Highway

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We took this picture today at the famous marker at the beginning of the Alaska Highway.

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This is a picture of us in 2018 when we drove this trip then.

Alaska Highway

Officially started on March 9, 1942, Army engineers were ordered to construct a road that would proceed in a northwesterly direction from the railhead at Dawson Creek, BC, and connect with the existing Richardson Highway at Delta Junction, AK. A pioneer road was constructed through 1,525 miles of wilderness in 8 months and 12 days. The men worked 16 hours a day in the summer months and survived black flies, gnats and mosquitos and in the winter worked in temperatures as cold as -70. In the winter the heavy equipment took a beating. Harsh temperatures of -70F, froze lubricants, seized transmissions, and snapped axles. Equipment had to be kept running 24 house a day.

Quick Facts

  • 11,000 troops
  • 16,000 American and Canadian civilians
  • 133 bridges constructed
  • 7,000 pieces of heavy equipment
  • 8,000+ culverts installed

Trip Statistics

  • Distance driven in the RV - 142 ,
  • Distance driven in car today - 5
  • Total Trip distance driven so far 4,012
  • Gas today was $4.26 per gallon and we spent $169.44.  Total so far is $1,808.55
  • We stayed at Mile 0 Park & Campground $34.30