Before we left Dawson Creek I went to the Bottle Depository and got $2 of our can deposit—10¢ for each can.  So far we’ve gotten $4.20 for returning cans.

It was a beautiful 139 mile drive today from Dawson Creek to Pink Mountain.

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The red and white pillars are supporting a pipeline bridge.  The bridge we crossed is the blue structure behind it.

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I enjoy having my computer desk in front of me when Tom is driving.

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After traveling across flat land all the way through Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Albert and the bottom of British Columbia, we are now seeing some hills.

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Our campsite at Pink Mountain turned out to be nice because no-one showed up to take the two spots on the right of us.

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Trip Statistics


  • Distance driven in the RV - 139,
  • Distance driven in car today - 5
  • Total Trip distance driven so far 4,159
  • We stayed at Mile 0 Park & Campground $36,35